Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - A Year In Review

Diabetes, two graduations, band reviews, migraines, seizures and strokes.....oh my!!  This is how 2010 has been for me and my family. 

You see, I have had migraines off and on for the last 16 years, however, since May 2010, I've been getting them more frequently to the point of every 10-14 days at times with each episode lasting 5-7 days.  Not much relief time in there or much time to get my full time job done correctly.  I think I've spent more time off since May than I've spent at my desk scheduling patients.  For the last three months, I've been off work trying to get these things under control.  My docs have tried just about everything except botox injections (that's next) and we have had no success except the shots and I can't work on those!

On top of all of this, my diabetic husband (has had it 51 years and we've been married 20 years) started having seizures last Monday, December 20th at 7:15 am from a sudden low blood sugar.  By the time twelve noon came around he'd had 6 seizures totally with two of them in the ER and one while the ambulance crew tried to get him on the gurney to go to the ER.  After a CT scan, we discovered he'd had a stroke as well.  The doctor's are not sure if his stroke caused the seizures or if the seizures caused the stroke.  We'll let the neurologist figure that out.

My 14 year old daughter graduated from Middle School in May and is now a freshman at Merced High School and on the colorguard squad.  She's very good at spinning the flags and rifles and I'm so glad she's found something she enjoys and it good at.  Plus, it keeps her out of trouble and all of the other stuff teens now face these days.  During the fall marching season, the Merced Marching 100 did really well in the band reviews they participated in; even capturing the sweepstakes prize in several categories at two of those band reviews.  Now, we're on to the Winter Guard season with Sunday, Tues, Thurs practices and Saturday competitions until at least Easter.  Good luck MM100 Colorguard!

My 18 year old son finally graduated from high school this last semester.  He had to leave full time classes the end of 2009 and go into independent studies to help take care of his disabled dad during the day until I could get home.  Unfortunately, it's taken him a bit longer than he liked to get his diploma so he could start college.  While I was off work because of my migraines, he unfortunately, had to help drive me to and from doctor's appointments thanks to the migraine medications and/or shots.  He also threw his back out getting some things out of the trunk of the car after a huge grocery run, poor kid.  At least he'll be able to go to college this spring semester and start getting his degree in teaching.

What is my wish for 2011??  I am just hoping for some better health for all of us.  What is your wish for 2011?

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. It sure has been a trying year for you guys, huh Bonnie? Right now my wish is for you all to have a happy, healthy and pretty much uneventful year. You all could use a break, that's for sure!
    Selfishly speaking, I think I am hoping for pretty much the same for us. We've got our share of "medical struggles" as well in our family. I am also hoping for good and/or better employment for so many Americans, my son included. These are tough times, but I have faith we'll all get through it!
    Wishing you the very best of 2011! Hope you'll keep up your wonderful card making and continue to share it all on your blog! :-)
